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SGA blogs provide thought-provoking commentary on topical stories in sports governance, developments in the legal, regulatory and business environments, and opinions from our network of experts and collaborators.

  1. All Sports Councils 2

    The future of the SGA

    Date: 7th Dec 2022

    SGA Programme Manager, Craig Beeston, on the recent announcement on the future of the SGA.

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  2. Risk Blog Image (1)

    Results from the CGIUKI social media survey on risk

    Date: 23rd Aug 2022

    Some findings from the recent survey carried out by The Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland, covering both the sport and non-sport sector.

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    Euro 2022 - building a legacy

    Date: 4th Aug 2022

    The SGA's Craig Beeston considers just some of the governance issues to be borne in mind as football seeks to create a legacy from the Lionesses' success.

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    Governance lessons from the Whyte Review

    Date: 22nd Jun 2022

    Following the publication of the Whyte Review into allegations of mistreatment within gymnastics, Craig Beeston looks at some of the lessons to be learned.

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  5. Kw5 Photo

    Governance in profile - Karen Watkinson

    Date: 13th Apr 2022

    In the first of a series profiling governance leads in sports organisations, Karen Watkinson from the Angling Trust answers our questions.

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