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Safeguarding and welfare

Sports organisations will have regular interaction with those who are vulnerable and at risk, making strong safeguarding policies essential. This section will help your boards and senior management understand their obligations and responsibilities towards the wellbeing of those who interact with your organisation and provides links to further guidance and resources.

The information in this section has been curated with guidance from the Child Protection in Sport Unit and the Ann Craft Trust. We are grateful for their input and advise you to visit their websites for further details.

  1. Huddle 3

    Introduction to safeguarding and welfare

    Boards should ensure that effective safeguarding frameworks are in place and that staff and volunteers are sufficiently trained on their safeguarding responsibilities. While processes and education will assist in mitigating the likelihood of a safeguarding incident, the impact will always be high.

    Find out more
  2. E1196e6b037e42b6681a9c392934dd2b1bb5ece7

    Safeguarding children

    Child protection is part of the safeguarding children process, protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. This includes the child protection procedures which detail how to respond to concerns about a child.

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  3. Midland Mencap 0077

    Safeguarding adults

    Many sports and other organisations are not well enough informed to ensure that complaints and concerns about adults are properly identified and acted upon, which puts them at risk of failing to meet their duty of care.

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  4. Leap Transferable Games 0082

    Policies and procedures

    There are a number of core policies and procedures that organisations must have in place.

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  5. Placeholder Logo png

    Further reading

    Useful links to help you set the safeguarding obligations and responsibilities in your organisation.

    Find out more
  6. Square For Social

    About the Ann Craft Trust

    Find out more
  7. Cpsu

    About the Child Protection in Sport Unit

    Find out more